I believe the method mrryanfisher mentioned is described here: https://www.raynauds.org/2019/09/26/classical-conditioning-raynauds-therapy/. Unlike the NYT, this one is not paywalled.
“The Hamlet method is simple. A person sits in a warm room with warm hands. The person then moves into a cold place (ideally 32?F) for ten minutes. They wear only light clothing so that their body definitely knows that they are in a cold place. Their hands are kept warmed to temperatures between 109- and 113-degrees Fahrenheit. The person then comes back into a warm location, and keeping their hands warm, they let their bodies return to a comfortable temperature.
In Dr. Hamlet’s experiment, this was repeated three to six times on a given day, with a day off taken in-between session days so that a person’s body could rest and internalize this reaction. The experiment called for 50 of the 10-minute sessions.
All subjects had measurable improvement in finger temperatures of at least 2 degrees Fahrenheit when exposed to cold. Dr. Hamlet reported that improved responses to cold lasted for months to years, and when a subject’s cold resistance began to fade, a reduced number of cold temperature training sessions would be enough to refresh cold resistance levels”