Can the "Big Vert" training plan be used for hiking rather than running? | Uphill Athlete


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Can the “Big Vert” training plan be used for hiking rather than running?

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  • #54359

    The reason I ask is simple: I have been advised by my rheumatologist not to run. Hiking is fine, and is anyway what I want to train for (along with ski touring). I simply want to have to be able to comfortably complete longer hikes (40km+) with what for me is a lot of elevation gain (>>3000m), ideally as single push efforts.

    NB: I did try searching for “big vert” in the search bar in the forum but got a message saying “An attempt to evade and bypass security filters was detected”. Seems to result from using quotation marks as big vert worked but returned 22 pages of results.

    Thanks in advance!

Posted In: Mountain Running

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    Anonymous on #54387

    Can the “Big Vert” training plan be used for hiking rather than running?

    Yes, no problem. You may need to adjust the volume prescriptions because of changes in terrain leading to changes in speed. Focus on the duration prescribed rather than distance or gain.

    Mariner_9 on #54583

    Thank you, Scott.

    Aaron on #58381

    I use the Big Vert template for both summer hiking focused ‘mountain running’ (off trail hiking, scrambling and some running) and winter ski mountaineering subbing in more sport specific work. E.g. lots of uphill ski striding in the base period towards ski season.

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