I summed up my experience so far: Keep my form alive
Posted In: Female Uphill Athletes and Coaches Discuss Training for Women and the Pressure to Prove Themselves
Maybe some anecdotes about my recovery and what worked and what is still not working.
I had surgery due to a sequester (large junk of my disc material was in my spinal canal).
In the first two weeks, I was just resting and lying on my back. No sitting.
After three weeks, I started cycling which was causing no problems at all. After 3.5 weeks, I started what we call Nordic Walking. It’s walking with poles but you use the poles very active. Like classic cross country skiing. I did this on hilly terrain. This was very, very good. I was still benefiting from my Z1/2 training four weeks before and was still very trained. On the downhills, I started to walk very slowly and carefully. I pretty much did fartleks, 95% below AeT and 5% Z3 mainly uphill to train also ME. After 5 weeks, I started to throw in first running periods. Not all the time but when I felt like it. I can now fully run my standard route again.
I also started core exercises after 3.5 weeks. The core exercises are based on the book of Stuart McGill. Still doing these. Also very good, but make sure to do these just isometric. No dynamic excercises.
After 6 weeks, I did my first ski tour. I skinned up, but then took the cable car to go down. Skiing downhill is still not possible, I think.
Yesterday, I did my first hike. Very good uphill, despite allergy made me feel I was at 5000m. On the downhill, I used a corset to stabilize my core. Since my belly muscles are sore today, I think I use them still a lot to stabilize my core 😀
Last week, I tried to do one exercise from the UA indoor runner ME, the lunge. I still refrain from the other excercises in that program. Unfortunately, that excercises was very good for mobilizing psoas but caused backpain for two days. So stopped doing these. I was also thinking about box step-ups but not sure if the step-down is too much for my back. Maybe try that next week.
Sitting is still causing the major problems but I’m pretty much pain free while doing sports. I started to stretch. Basically, calves, hamstring and Psoas.
And of course, I was doing physical therapy after the first two weeks up to now. But focus there was mainly to get rid of tensions. Strengthening the core was my duty so far.
I hope this proves useful for others.
Hi Pete,
What I heared is that the Pa:Hr is pretty much useless in rolling terrain. It is best to use it on a track in a stadium. Even better is a treadmill. Is it possible to redo your AeT test on one of these?
I’ll have to ask though: how do you measure your heartrate?
Are you using a handwrist monitor?
When I see such high values for AeT, I recommend a word of caution. With those values it’s always possible that you tested for AnT instead of AeT. Do you have indication what your Ant is?
I also doubt that the speed of the treadmill is sufficient for a sprint.
Not getting your HR up can have a couple reasons:
A) Symptoma of overtraining
B) The exercise is too easy
If you were training close to your AnT for a couple months there is a chance you developed signs of overtraining. I would test AnT as sport specific as possible so you can determine your AeT in the next step correctly.
I would go with your Maffetone HR since you are not showing any signs of drift.
You can test with higher HR (hint: What’s your Maffetone HR?).
And it would be helpful to provide the average for first and second half ?
Then I think you are good to go with 155. When you wanna be on the conservative side you can go by 150.
Hi Steve,
Thanks for the awesome answer. I don’t have a problem with guides but my personal mountain ethic requires me to climb a mountain without a guide otherwise it does not count for me. So, I can do it on my own or I need to improve my skills 🙂
I will research more into the question wether my experience as an instructor for the mountain club (since you are partly in Osttirol: German equivalent to the Austrian Instruktor Hochtouren & Skihochtouren) will be sufficient to climb Denali on my own.
Hi Heiko,
How did your HR at AeT and AnT change? But I think 20s and 15s is great at the old threshold’s HR.
Hi Andy,
what I find suspicious is that in test 1 and 3 aomething like a structural break in your trend exists at around 25 minutes. Did you use the same treadmill for both parts of the test?
And second question, how long did you warm up? You have a lot of drift in the first 8 minutes.
Hi AF,
Do you know your AnT? AnT is required to check the plausibility of your test.
Hey Heiko,
Just one question: where do these 10-15% Z3/4 come from? Seems a little high?
PS: do you wanna start a German UA WhatsApp group to share knowledge and lesson learnt?
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