Pedro Carvalho | Uphill Athlete


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Pedro Carvalho

Endurance Coach, Mountaineering



Pedro, based in Portugal, has delved into a variety of sports as an athlete which gives him an understanding of endurance coaching across the board and the requirements of his athletes.

Pedro has been working with Uphill Athlete for two years. A sports science degree holder, he has competencies in overall sports training, anatomy, physiology, pedagogy, team sports, individual sports, and outdoor sports. A personal training certification makes him an expert in strength training, strength methodology, myofascial release, manual resistance, assisted stretching, movement correction, etc. He is also certified as a medical massage specialist.

Pedro has enjoyed a range of sports since childhood, like mountain biking, running, swimming, soccer, tennis, etc. He has undertaken an intensive outdoor instructor course in Cornwall, England. He is a certified surf lifeguard, 2 Star kayak and canoe, 3 Star Sea Kayak, and BCU coach Level 1. Primarily a triathlete who loves ultra and mountain running, he is very competitive and focused on achieving goals.

Pedro has extensive mountaineering coaching experience as well. Some of his athletes have successfully climbed to the summits listed below.

Pico de Orizaba (5,636m), México
Iztaccihuatl Mountain (5,230m), México
Mt. Kilimanjaro, sea to summit (5,895m), Tanzania
Cayambe (5,790m), Ecuador
Antisana (5,753m), Ecuador
Chimborazo (6,263m), Ecuador

Pedro believes that everyone is an athlete on their own terms. He finds satisfaction in helping athletes achieve their race goals in a sustainable, consistent, and healthy way.

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