One way you can quickly iterate …
* Find your Anaerobic Threshold HR (HRAnT)
* Choose a HR that’s going to be below your AeT (HR0).
Do you first test at a HR (HR1) that’s mid way between HRAnT and HR0.
If HR1 is too high, then do the next test at a HR that’s mid way between HR0 and HR1.
IF HR1 is too low, then do the next test at a HR that’s mid way between HR1 and HRAnT.
Repeat this until you find your AeT.
Even with a very big difference between HRAnT and your chosen HR0 you’ll find your AeT in only a few iterations. It’s probably better to choose a wide gap.
For example, let’s say HRAnT is 180, we choose a HR0 of 100. Actual AeT is 156, but unknown when we start.
Test 1: HR 140 (too low, next test mid way between 140 and 180)
Test 2: HR 160 (too high, next test mid way between 140 and 160)
Test 3: HR 150 (too low, next test mid way between 150 and 160)
Test 4: HR 155 (AeT found .. or good enough for our purposes)