Dear Maya,
that helps indeed! I’ve already found how to change from rTSS to hrTSS, but wasn’t sure if I should do it or not.
Thanks a lot, now it’s completely clear to me!
Posted In: Consistency: The Dignity of Showing Up
Dear Maya,
that helps indeed! I’ve already found how to change from rTSS to hrTSS, but wasn’t sure if I should do it or not.
Thanks a lot, now it’s completely clear to me!
Just a short question: what’s the difference between TSS, rTSS and hrTSS?
My uploaded workouts appear with rTSS – is this fine or should I change it?
Thank you!
So am I, Maya… I’ve never done anything like this before, so I’m really curious!
I also do the workout barefoot 🙂
Hey all,
I started running on the roads, just to get rid of physical energy as a compensation to my office work. Like Meighan I found this rather boring and was really happy when I discovered trail running 🙂 I’m doing that together with my husband for some years now, mostly for our pleasure, competing in races isn’t really important to me. I just love moving in the nature, especially in alpine areas, but also through woods… I love the fresh air, not meeting other people and the feeling of my tired body after some hours out there.
Nevertheless we are participating in races from time to time, so this summer we’ll participate in the so called Gleterschwelt-Trail and a two stage race called Run2.
The Run2 is part of a longer race which lasts for 8 days during which participants are crossing the Austrian Alps starting from Garmisch-Partenkirchen in Germany and arriving after 8 days in Vals, Italy.
Doing the whole thing is a big dream of me but it seems so incredibly hard to me that I’m not sure if I could do it… It really scares me – so this year we’ll try just the two days and decide on the big thing afterwards 🙂
Ah, both distances have to be done as a couple – so if I can’t convince my husband to participate I can’t do it either.
Living in Vienna (Austria) we use nearly every weekend in spring-summer-autumn to escape to the mountains, so training always becomes kind of holiday and adventure 🙂
Many thanks for the unpairing 🙂
I didn’t find out that on my own…
Thank you Maya and Laura,
I’m at least happy to hear I’m not the only one having this problem 🙂
And thank you Laura for our bilateral chat-exchange yesterday during the zoom-meeting!
Dear Maya, dear all,
I have synchronized my garmin connect with the trainingpeak account, but in my garmin calender there are only appearing the Aerob Day workouts – Mobility, strength and hiking aren’t appearing at all. Is it supposed like that?
Thank you!
Hi Elaina,
I have the Garmin 745 and I really like it because its very light and small compared to other watches. Before I had a Suunto 5 and I didn`t like to wear it because for me it was too heavy. My wrists are rather slim and bony but the 745 I wear all day long, not only for running and its great!
Greetings, Pia
Many thanks Maya for your detailed answer!
I’m already figuring out how to integrate some hikes during the week 🙂
Dear Maya,
I’m very curious to start with the training group 🙂 But still I have some questions:
I’m preparing for two trail races:
1) July 29
Distance : 37km
Altitude: 1.500m positive / 2.200m negative
2) September 3-4
Distance Day 1: 43km
Altitude Day 1: 2.180m pos / 2.040m neg
Distance Day 2: 31km
Altitude Day 2: 1.770m pos / 1.840m neg
Till now I did 4 units a week
– 2 easy runs
– 1 anaerobic run like intervals, hill sprints…
– 1 long trailrun at the weekend (2:00h to 3:30h duration) with different distances and altitudes
I didn`t focus a lot on strength training, to be honest I did far too little of it.
Currently I’m on the intermediate training plan and regarding the weekly duration this seems fine for me. But there aren’t any anaerobic workouts foreseen and the workouts on weekends are much shorter and much lighter compared what I did till now.
Is this training plan nonetheless fine for me or should I change one of the aerobic runs to a anaerobic?
And should I stick to the hikes suggested in the plan or should I do my trailruns? Or does it make sense to do one week a hike, the other week a trailrun.
Building aerobic capacity is an important goal for me, I’m not very strong in this. So therefore the training plan seems perfect – but does it fit to my races?
Thanks a lot for your advice!
Great to be on board 🙂
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