Hi Pinekiwi,
Personnaly I think you’re pushing too hard. I followed the same plan and I always felt good at the end of recovery week. L
Posted In: Your Diet Sucks x Uphill Athlete
Hi Pinekiwi,
Personnaly I think you’re pushing too hard. I followed the same plan and I always felt good at the end of recovery week. L
Hi Azerty,
Thx for sharing and that’s quite surprising. Personnaly I’d fo to see a cardiologist first to make sure there is no issue (which very unlikeky given your training in past 2 years). Then probably it’s about getting your body used to running from a nervous system point of view, so doing 3min on / 1min off easy running as you did is a great way to slowly introducing running. L
Thank you for sharing and please let me know how it goes. Super interested in your experience. I’m doing the Diagonale des Fous in 1 month and working on training my stomach. Does anyone have experience with gut training? Do we need very long hike/run or can it works with 2hr run for example? thx Laurent
Very helpful! thx
Thank you Christian. That’s very helpful! I’m going to focus on eating more & training for it. L ?
Thank you Christian. That’s very helpful! I’m going to focus on eating more & training for it. L ?
Hi Jane,
I use a combination of hydraminov powder (which include carb & electrolytes) diluted in 500ml water and gels taking about 30-40g of carb per hour &!drinking c. 500ml of water /hr. thank you Laurent
I use a combination of hydraminov powder (which include carb & electrolytes) diluted in 500ml water and gels taking about 30-40g of carb per hour &!drinking c. 500ml of water /hr
Hi Chris,
I’m 51 and I had the same kind of discrepency. In the Book Training for Uphill Athlete, I beleive they mention that MAF often underestimate the AeT for decently train. I had the same experience as you did where my MAF HR is 129 while I gelt it xas cmoser to 142 when running. I did a gas exchange lab test focusing on measuring AeT vs VO2max and came out with 144 bpm. This is also consitent with my Pa:Hr <2%. For me nose breathing is not a good indicator as I have trained nose breathing and can nose breath doing interval thesholds. Hope that helps. LAURENT
Thx makes sense! Turbo / home trainer
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