Z3+ Training in a "hot" gym | Uphill Athlete


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Z3+ Training in a “hot” gym

  • Creator
  • #44955

    Hi UA Folks,

    I had a second stress fracture earlier this year and a strange adductor pain (Working with a PT and doctor). Since two, or three months I can slowly get back into running. Most of the time its only Z1 lower Z2 base building runs. Currently, only up to 90 minutes.
    Besides that I do almost daily treadmill hike/runs in the gym. I noticed that I can bring my HR up to Z3/Z4 on those “runs” easily. The biggest factor that my HR is so high, is the heat (no airflow) in the gym I guess.
    My question, will this get me the same stimulus as if I run intervals e.g. outdoors? Because there i need to produce much more power to get my HR in those zones.

    I hope you understand what I try to explain.
    have a great weekend everybody — mirko

  • Participant
    Dada on #44963

    Also interested.

    Matt L. on #44966

    From what I’ve gathered, it is more useful to work off your RPE and the pacing which corresponds to your AeT/AnT because you will not be capable of keeping your HR at these levels under excess heat and humidity.

    You don’t seem to be suggesting it, but attempting to work at the upper end of your thresholds under these conditions is at best ineffective and at worst hazardous because you won’t be able to sustain the muscular load normally required to hang out in these pace zones but you will be stressing your heart.

    I’d be curious to see what the coaches have to say, but as a training effect I think training in heat makes you better at running in heat. It’s like putting in the hard hours of altitude training without the perks!

    Anecdotally, being in Texas, I have found that running through the summer I’ve been having an easier time running through the early fall, but again only because it’s still hot. It hasn’t made me any faster or improved my thresholds any more than just the work on its own.

    nullkru on #44982

    Thanks so far for your answers.

    I found this in a TRM article and heard it recently in a podcast:

    It all gets back to increased blood volume and reduced cardiovascular strain. Heat acclimation essentially gives you more blood to pump, and that theoretically should improve performance under all conditions.

    Why It’s Essential to Embrace the Heat

    But I’m also curious in the answers from the coaches.

    Anonymous on #44998

    I often see significantly elevated HR for a given pace when the temps are high. In hot weather the capillaries in the skin dilate to help you shed more heat to the air. That means more blood shunted to the skin and less available for the working muscles. The effect is the both perceived exertion and HR are higher than you would normally expect. While the HR is higher the muscles are still propelling you at you same old Z1-2 pace so they are getting the same training effect as Z1-2 in cool temps but the overall stress on your body will be like a long Z3 workout and need more time to recover.

    I suggest slowing and waiting for cooler weather unless you find you are able to recover well from day to day.


    nullkru on #45034

    Hi Scott,

    thanks for your detailed answer.
    If i get it right, i will not benefit from the higher HR even if i push hard. So maybe indoors i get my HR up to Z4 but outdoors/cooler temp this would be a Z3 effort? I will basically train Z3 even if my HR shoots above Z3.

    Have a great day and as always big thanks — mirko

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