Weekly Training Log | Uphill Athlete

Weekly Training Log

  • Creator
  • #42525


    Like a few others, trying first 6000 next year (covid and allocation willing), and have been loosely following the TftnA. Time now to step it up and wondered if anyone has an excel of steve h’s weekly training log?

    Asked the man himself, he said this forum would be my best bet.



Posted In: Mountaineering

  • Participant
    Shashi on #42541

    I used an excel log till last year and now I am using a 24-week training plan (with Training Peaks premium) for climbs in Ecuador end of this year (not sure if it will happen). Based on my experience, I would recommend using a training plan. If you plan to use this plan multiple times over the next few years, I think it is worth the one-time cost.

    Also, a training plan takes out the guesswork and gives you clear direction on what needs to be done. As a beginner, this is very valuable to me. Here is an example of the detailed instruction for my long AeT run/hike (towards end of transition phase):

    Run/Hike on hilly terrain, vert gain min of 2,000ft

    If you train outside the duration of the workout should be total time out. That includes the time both up and down. For example: A workout with a 2hr duration would be the total time from start to finish. This also includes if you are hiking up stairs in a building and back down. If you take the elevator down seen description below.

    If you are using an alternative methods like a treadmill, stair master or hiking stairs(taking elevator down) the duration of the workout would be for the time hiking uphill. If you have a 2hr duration workout that would mean hiking on a treadmill for 2hrs.

    If you are combining this with a Training Peaks premium account, there are added benefits of tracking metrics over a period of time.

    Maybe others who are using Excel Logs can provide some input.

    I hope this is helpful.

    Shashi on #42558


    I have attached the file that I used till last year. I have cleaned up the weekly log and just have a sample week.

    Tabs –

    Weekly Log – for your daily workouts. As you scroll to the right, you will see the total target vs. actuals by week. Set the target Transition Week 1 volume, and the target hrs for the rest of the weeks should be auto-calculated.

    There are other tabs for Nutrition, Notes from TftNA for each of the phases (transition, base max strength, etc.), TSS reference values, articles that I use as a reference, etc.

    Please note that I don’t use this log now, and there might be few calculations that might be out of sync or information that is incorrect. Please feel free to edit and use as needed.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.
    matthew_sercombe on #42566


    Thanks for the comprehensive replies. This is exactly what I wanted, but the additional advice is also thought provoking.

    Already been using TFtnA, but you’d recommend the 24 week plan on top of this?


    Shashi on #42582

    It depends on your goals. If you are planning to climb a 6000 m next year and if it is mountaineering, I think the 24 Week Plan would be a good one.

    If it is going to be more technical, then maybe you can look at some other plans.

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