Training camp | Uphill Athlete


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Training camp

  • Creator
  • #5915


    You have on several occasions recommended arranging a training camp where the sole focus of ones existens is training and recovery. Could you go a bit in depth on how one would arrange such a party? How much intensity, two sessions/one long session, any strength training and so on?

    Also, how much money in the bank do you need do make a such high risk, high reward investment? And how often would you arrange them given you have from now to march to focus pretty much single minded on training.


  • Inactive
    Anonymous on #5923

    A training camp can pay some big dividends if you can manage the time. One good way to use this is to do early on in the base period where training duration is the focus. These “camps” usually are a period of over reaching where you concentrate the load into a week of nothing but “eat, sleep, train”. I’d suggest starting with a volume “camp” to see how you manage that block of training. If you can manage that in feel better after a few easy days in the following week then you might consider doing a intensity block as you get closer to your intended goal.

    To pull off a block of overreaching you will need to have the aerobic capacity to allow you to recover well between workouts and handle the overall load. Can you say for sure that your AeT and AnT are within 10% in terms of HR? If not then that back account is probably not big enough for a full week of over over reaching. In that case try a mini over reaching period of 2-3 day aerobic volume block.


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