testing in the Bay Area | Uphill Athlete


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testing in the Bay Area

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  • #6397


    could anyone point me to a lab that can do the aerobic threshold test in the San Francisco Bay Area? The heart rates that I see during my training sessions typically leave me thoroughly confused. Thanks in advance!

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    Anonymous on #6400

    The best Lab we have found in the SF bay area is at UC Davis. I you read the article on Adrian Ballanger here: https://uphillathlete.com/adrian-ballinger-and-everest-everestnofilter/
    That is where Adrian was tested. The know just what kind of test to perform.

    Ask for their Metabolic and Lactate test found here: http://www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/sportsmedicine/programs/physiological_tests.html


    dmedvedev on #6404

    Thanks, Scott! I actually was a graduate student in UCDavis in 1998-2002, so it brings back some memories. However, Davis is not considered a part of SF Bay Area, it’s in fact close to Sacramento. I can see how it was convenient for Adrian Ballinger to get tested there rather than drive further. I wonder if this test is what you recommend: https://www.fitnesswavenorcal.com/pages/vo2-sub-max/
    Thanks a lot!

    Anonymous on #6412

    Sorry for my lame geography. I figured that any state that considered SF as Northern CA when half the state was still north of SF wouldn’t split hairs over a few miles to Davis 😉

    Yes, it looks like this place could give you a good test. Not as good As the UC Davis test because they[re results do not give the % ft vs carbs at all heart rates like the UC Davis test does.

    But they do identify the Aerobic Threshold which will be useful.


    Anonymous on #6413

    Sorry for my lame geography. I figured that any state that considered SF as Northern CA when half the state was still north of SF wouldn’t split hairs over a few miles to Davis 😉

    Yes, it looks like this place could give you a good test. Not as good As the UC Davis test because they[re results do not give the % ft vs carbs at all heart rates like the UC Davis test does.

    But they do identify the Aerobic Threshold which will be useful.


    SFmike on #6460

    Hi, dmedvedev.

    I also live in SF Bay Area. Another option is the “Human Performance Center” at UC San Francisco. The facility is located in the Mission Bay part of town (south of SOMA). Here’s a link to their site:

    Full disclosure…I haven’t tried them yet, nor do I know if they meet the Scott/Steve standards. You’ll want to perform your due diligence before going there.

    Good luck,

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