Progressing through the 24 week Plan | Uphill Athlete

Progressing through the 24 week Plan

  • Creator
  • #43500


    I just finished Week 6 of the 24-week Mountaineering Plan and these are my weekly readings (Week 1 starts from left and Week 6 is on the right):

    Fitness (CTL): 19, 25, 29, 30, 32, 39
    Fatigue (ATL): 49, 56, 57, 38, 43, 64
    Form (TSB): -22, -27, -22, -13, -12, -34

    Am I on the right track and are these expected metrics trends? Thanks!!!

  • Participant
    mzkarim on #43502

    Attached are my charts:

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    Anonymous on #43577

    TP metrics are totally individual. There are no expectations; they’re only relevant to your prior metrics.

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