Plans for next sessions | Uphill Athlete

Plans for next sessions

  • Creator
  • #62706

    Hi Guys – when will the plans for the next 12 weeks ‘go live’ on TP. Got some travel coming up and would be good to get early sight of what I need to work around. TIA Matt

  • Participant
    mattmay3s on #62978

    sorry to hassle you guys – but could do with sight of the plan for week commencing 13 Feb. When will it be added to TP?

    MarkPostle on #63073

    Matt, Sorry didn’t see this earlier. Advanced plans will be applied (tomorrow) Tues PM Feb 8th. We have to wait until everyone is registered and paid as they are all loaded at once since they are “Dynamic” plans in TrainingPeaks. We will then have the intro Zoom on Wednesday. See you there!

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