Modifying training Week 5 | Uphill Athlete

Modifying training Week 5

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  • #67823

    Hi! I suffer from really horribly painful periods (no endometriosis though!) so after many discssions with my obgyn, I am getting an IUD to hopefully start feeling better and stop wasting 2 full days every 28. I am getting my IUD on Friday morning. I am (hopefully) climbing Mt Baker Aug 19 and I am currently on Week 5 of the base training plan (I am repeating week 5 this week becase last week I was on my awful period). I am making progress but I still feel far from fit enough for the climb 🙁 How should I modify my training this week to be able to take Friday afternoon, Saturday and possibly Sunday off in case I have cramping/pain post-IUD insertion, but not derail training too badly? Also, from your experience, how do IUDs affect athletic performance shortly after insertion? Is there anything I could be doing to ensure a smooth recovery sports-wise?

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    Anonymous on #67825

    Hi Silviana,
    First I am sorry to hear about the severity of your menstrual symptoms, that is so challenging to manage but it is good news that you do not have endometriosis. I know many women who do and that is a completely different struggle in itself and also can be so debilitating. IUD’s can be very helpful for many women with your issue around menses, so fingers crossed it works well for you!

    Now on to the training and the plan. You are still 11 weeks out from your climb and I know you have already built base with the program you’ve been on so don’t worry, all plans and training need to build and you have time. Just take it one day and one week at a time.
    First thought, as you will need to rest after you have the IUD inserted most women feel some discomfort for a few days so don’t push this,
    repeat week 5 again next week and if you are concerned about how much training you can do on a week when you are supposed to have your period ( if you are relatively regular), make that a recovery week and take some down time when you need it. You can move the weeks in the plans as needed. Then ramp up for three weeks – rest during your period week.

    Every woman is different as far as IUD’s I know many women that feel no adverse effects once they’ve recovered from the intial discomfort of the IUD insertion, though I have met women whom eventually have to have them removed as they are uncomfortable for certain types of training, core work, etc. So this is going to be a bit of a wait and see. For recovery – The most important thing would be to get adequate rest, do not push through pain after the procedure and skip core work or carrying a heavy load so core and pelvic floor muscles are not overly taxed. Light walks or hikes if they feel good would be fine. I’d skip running to avoid the impact, just initially.

    I hope this helps!

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