ME training for winter running | Uphill Athlete

ME training for winter running

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  • #56281

    Hi team,

    I’m training for an FKT attempt in December that is 24 miles/1400m in the Yorkshire Dales (UK). The terrain will be boggy and snowy, and I’m therefore looking for some advice from anyone who has trained for similar events. For those of you who may be aware of it, or have competed in it, the terrain will be quite similar to the Montane Cheviot Goat in Northumbria.

    I’ve adapted Mike Foote’s Big Mountain Plan for my training, but I’m changing the Split Jump Squat portion of the ME workouts to Lunges instead. Specificity tends to be king, and I think developing my hamstrings will better simulate the local muscular demands of this challenge.

    Having said that, I’d be interested if anyone has any similar experience prepping for winter events and any considerations that might be worth taking into account, particularly in regards to the ME training.



Posted In: Mountain Running

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    Anonymous on #56352

    This sounds lie a very fun thing to do!
    Bog running presents its own unique set of challenges. If you can arrange to do a few workouts in very wet muddy conditions where the mud is ankle deep it’ll help. If you can’t do that I would consider ankle weights for the ME workouts. Your feet/shoes are likely to be very heavy during this FKT.

    Good luck,

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