Lactate Threshold Test Effects | Uphill Athlete

Lactate Threshold Test Effects

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  • #48210

    Hi guys,

    I did both the AeT test and the LT test this past week. AeT went well and was determined to be 157. LT test absolutely destroyed me and I was very sore and feverish with an elevated heart rate for 48 hours after. I suspect that I ran the LT in Z4, but I was able to sustain the LT pace and HR for 30min, so I’m a little bit confused how that’s possible. I would have suspected if it was a Z4 effort, I would have blown up before 30min but that wasn’t the case. My LT was determined to be 172, but I suspect it has to be closer to 167 if I hope to recover quicker from Z3 work in the future. Just wondering if you can shed some light on why the LT test had such a stressful impact on my body when I was able to maintain the pace for 30min? For context, not sure if it makes a difference but I did this LT test outside this year, whereas I did the LT test on the treadmill last year and did not have the same issue of my body shutting down after.


  • Inactive
    Anonymous on #48228

    …feverish with an elevated heart rate for 48 hours after.

    To me, that sounds like illness rather than post-test fatigue. I would keep your training easy for several days to see if any other symptoms develop.

    I would have suspected if it was a Z4 effort, I would have blown up before 30min but that wasn’t the case.

    30′ in Z4 sounds about right. Z3 ranges from 1-2h.

    My LT was determined to be 172, but I suspect it has to be closer to 167 if I hope to recover quicker from Z3 work in the future.

    Five beats is splitting hairs. Heart rate is never that precise. Use 170 as your AnT HR.

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