Having trouble with tech/ access to materials/ getting a targeted plan | Uphill Athlete

Having trouble with tech/ access to materials/ getting a targeted plan

  • Creator
  • #65617
    Noor Alam

    Hi all:

    I’m really having a difficult time understanding how to follow and record my training. First, I’ve twice had data entered into the wrong workout (such as my hiking being entered into my mobility work). Also, I am not able to access the strength workout videos on Chamoix, as it does not show up in my orders, and my payment still says pending though it appears to have gone through according to my bank. Is there a way I could get some individual guidance on this?

    Finally, the programming I have seems to be quite general, and I’m wondering if there is more specificity that I can get with regard to training. I’m wanting to build up my hiking, weight carrying capacity for a climb on Mt Russel and Mt Whitney. I’d like to have goals for mileage/ vert gain, weight, but this seems more just general cardio?


  • Keymaster
    Coach on #65618

    Hello Noor,

    I am going to make you a quick video showing you where to find Cham fit and how to change your data around. You should not have to pay for Chamonix fit. It is a part of your program, each workout box has the link and the password for you to access it.

    As for the programming! Endurance training, in general, is pretty boring, I know that is disappointing to hear but it is true. Each program builds in hours, intensity, and in weight for the hikes. You will get stronger by doing this program and especially if you are on Intermidate and Advanced you will be set up well for your mountain goals. Unfortunately due to the format of group coaching Carolyn and myself aren’t able to customize coaching for everyone. I would recommend though signing up for a phone call with one of us if you wish to receive more ways to individualize your plan.

    I will post the video in the next 30min on the main channel so keep your eyes out!
    I hope that helps!

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