Extending 24 Weeks Marathon Plan | Uphill Athlete

Extending 24 Weeks Marathon Plan

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  • #35311

    Hi all, If I’m able to extend my 24 Weeks Marathon Plan by 8 weeks, what would be your recommendation?
    You’ve recommended already to extend the Transition weeks repeating Weeks 2, 3, 5, 6…. but if you are able to extend another month? Would be better to extend something of the base period too?

    Thank you!
    Happy New Year,
    Ariel from Patagonia Argentina

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    Anonymous on #35446


    Where you extend it depends on what you need most. Do you need more aerobic base training like in the initial weeks or do you need more endurance training like in the middle and later weeks.

    Each serves a specific purpose. Since you’ve already extended the transition period by 4 weeks I’m going to go on on limb and suggest that you’d do well to add more weeks like the mid-later weeks.


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