AeT Test - help intrepreting results | Uphill Athlete

AeT Test – help intrepreting results

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  • #31761

    So I did a treadmill AeT test today. I hope I did it correctly.

    After a 10 minute warm-up, I left the treadmill at a fixed speed for the next 60 minutes. My HR avg was 135 for the first 30 minutes and 140 for the last 30 minutes, about 3.7% drift. (I did not use any elevation, not sure if this matters)

    Here is a link to the workout on TP.

    I have been using 137 as my AeT for the past 5 weeks, it seems like this is in the area of the right range. I want to make sure I am not going to hard.

    thanks in advance

  • Inactive
    Anonymous on #31786

    Well done. I agree with your conclusion. I think you’re safe to use ~140 for now.

    ryanpaul on #31811

    thanks scott!

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