AeT Test, clearly a dumb question | Uphill Athlete

AeT Test, clearly a dumb question

  • Creator
  • #63216
    Melissa Macdonald

    I’m about to re-do my AeT test after some time off of training. Warm up for 20 minutes until HR settles into conversation pace, treadmill up to 10% incline, go for full hour at 10% incline, then warm down (say, for 10 minutes for a total time on the treadmill of 90 minutes). I ONLY compare the first and second half of that middle HOUR, right? (The first and second 30 minute intervals). So I don’t count the warm up or warm down portions…..

    I am positive I have my zones set too low. I had a great hike with #27 pounds last weekend, felt sustainable the entire time, was able to converse, but my HR monitor said I was in Zone 3 or 4 the majority of the time. What? LOL. That can’t be right. (Hence why I’m testing AeT again so I can correct those Zones.)

    Thank you!

  • Participant
    Shashi on #63218

    “I ONLY compare the first and second half of that middle HOUR, right? (The first and second 30 minute intervals). So I don’t count the warm up or warm down portions…..”

    – that is correct

    Melissa Macdonald on #63221

    Here’s my stats, the start HR for part one was 146, ending at 148. The AVERAGE for part one was 140, average for part 2 was 142. Both of those were only an increase of 1.369% and 1.42% respectively. So is 146 below my AeT? Should I do it again and start at a faster pace?
    Thank you anyone and everyone for your help!

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    Melissa Macdonald on #63251

    Here’s my stats, the start HR for part one was 146, ending at 148. The AVERAGE for part one was 140, average for part 2 was 142. Both of those were only an increase of 1.369% and 1.42% respectively. So is 146 below my AeT? Should I do it again and start at a faster pace?
    Thank you anyone and everyone for your help!

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    MarkPostle on #63328

    Is this HR data from a chest strap? Looks a little “jumpy” for steady state treadmill HR data.

    Melissa Macdonald on #63330

    Yes, it’s from my Wahoo chest strap, uploaded directly to TP. 10% incline, steady pace – did not change speed at all. My HR does seem to move around a bit. Here’s the strange part (and hence my confusion over getting this right…) For 2 of the tests I did last Spring, my HR actually decreased! I had a negative drift. Maybe I’m just a weirdo. :-0

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