AeT Question

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  • #81601

    I’ve been running for 4 years and have built up to several 50ks. I had read both books and knew about the training fundamentals. I never went and ran as fast as I could for the time I had however I also didn’t follow my heart rate zones correctly. Now I’ve done a drift test and my AeT is about 130 vs my AnT 170s. I was following that for about a month doing an hour run several times a week. My pace is about 18 minutes per mile in Z2 and this is slow-going. If I continue with my old running pace (Z3) will I see huge problems if I go up to a longer distance race? Is there any benefit to slowing my pace down to 13, 14, or 15 minutes per mile? I’ve read it takes 2-3 months to see any changes to the AeT, is that the rough timeframe?

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