Hi Jane,
Thank you for this! What weeks in the plan do you recommend? Transition week two or a transition week from later in the plan?
Posted In: Season One Recap
Hi Jane,
Thank you for this! What weeks in the plan do you recommend? Transition week two or a transition week from later in the plan?
Hi Jane, thank you, I keep getting form responses from them, unfortunately. I am interested in understanding the exercise science — is there a reason that my body may be not getting as fatigued at this point? I expected a little bit of a shift, as I adjust to the workouts, but not such a large shift.
Hi Everyone,
A quick update, while I am still waiting to hear back one-on-one from a doctor around use of hormonal birth control at altitude — this helpful guide recently came out: https://climbingthesevensummits.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/CTSS-Female-Client-Considerations.pdf
It seems like the consensus may be that if you regularly use hormonal birth control, you can continue to do so at high altitude on expedition. However, the folks interviewed for this piece strongly recommend against starting hormonal birth control close to expedition time. Hope this is helpful for folks!
Hi Jane,
Thank you so much, really appreciate you and Carolyn looking into this further. I’ll check out the podcasts and reach out to both folks to see if they have any feedback as well, I’ll share any info they provide here, in case other folks have similar questions.
Thank you, this is super helpful! Really appreciate the response.
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