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You can try the bookdepository.co.uk site
Best regards,
Thank you Scott.
I can see that you should feel recovered.
You said that you pick a TSS number that reflects the recovery time before the athlete feels ready for another such workout. After you assign the TSS, you compare the TSB number with the actual athletes feeling of preparedness and recovery?
Today I did a 5k flat run at my upper nose breathing speed and the ratio Pa:Hr=-2.66%, with the IF=0.8
Can someone please explain what that means?
Thank you!
Thank you Scott.
Upper end of zone 1 seems to be much lower than from “artificial” formulas (my Aet is at 156 and AnT at 174).
From a lot of scientific papers on the topic of training characteristics of elite athletes is clear, that they train mostly (~80%) at zone 1 and (~5%) zone 2.
Do we really get the desired physiological responses from Z1 that you talk about (Zone 2 -15%). Lab and real life situations don’t always correlate, and I would like to hear your opinion from the field.
Sorry for being so curious.
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