I had a few light bulb moments with rTSS vs hrTSS. Once you get your zones entered correctly BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY your HR threshold (do the AnT test or try AeT plus 25 if you’re not sure) in the settings of TP, you will get accurate TP data.
I did several AeT tests and came up with 140 as my AeT and then added 25 to get 165 as my threshold. That got me to +/- 50 hrTSS per hour on my AeT workouts which I understand the UA coaches look for as a good indicator that your zones are correct.
If your threshold HR is off, you will either get too little TSS (not representative of your fitness, also might tempt you to really hammer yourself to drive CTL) or you will get too much TSS which which show up as more CTL than you have earned and give you an inflated fitness measurement.
If you are logging a run in TP, you must manually change the rTSS to hrTSS.
Also, recall that TSS is relative so my 100 TSS workout might only get you 70 TSS. It’s a good way to compare old you with new you but not a good way to compare different athletes.
This whole discussion is also a good reminder that TSS can be manipulated.