TSS to TRIMP based CTL | Uphill Athlete

TSS to TRIMP based CTL

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  • #43100

    Hi guys,

    I just found this article Fit to climb Everest

    Since I use the free platform Runalyze.com (and they calculate CTL based on TRIMP instead of TSS). So, do you have similar values for TRIMP-based CTL when you are ready to climb Everest, Denali and so on like in the aforementioned article.

    Or is there a converter?

    Best regards

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    Anonymous on #43133

    Not that I’m aware of, but I suspect there might be one in the Google-verse somewhere.

    Dada on #43150

    I just regressed TRIMP on TSS for the last n=26 of my own data and received the following conversion:

    TSS = 0.6704 * TRIMP + 10.035
    with R2 = 94.7%

    So this means the following conversion:

    Denali (CTL_TSS = 75) = 97 (CTL_TRIMP)
    Everest (CTL_TSS = 100) = 134 (CTL_TRIMP)
    Everest w/o. OX (CTL_TSS = 125) = 171 (CTL_TRIMP)

    Hope this can help others as well.

    Best regards

    sbr on #48997


    I am also using runalyze. The conversion you propose does not work for my data at all. Using this I would totally overestimate the TSS.
    From my understanding TRIMP and TSS are different metrics. TSS is power-based, while TRIMP is based on HR. So I suspect there is no one-size fits all conversion.

    AshRick on #49017

    I can’t answer the question about TRIMP conversion, but…

    From long experience with TSS (going back 20 years chatting with Andy Coggan) and using T-peaks…

    In T-peaks, for running workouts, change the TSS number it reports to rTSS. The resulting numbers look and feel more correct. The only other edit I make is to add some points for big vert days. 10 points per 1000 ft, as recommended on here. That feels about right. 3.5 hours at Z1 to low-Z2 comes in at ~180 rTSS. But add 30-40 points for 4000ft of vert — 210-220 feels about right, insofar as it gives an indication of training load and recovery need.

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