Suggested workout in place of Swimming? | Uphill Athlete


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Suggested workout in place of Swimming?

  • Creator
  • #40448

    My training plan is calling for me to do 30 minute swims on certain recovery days. My gym has a lap pool, however current events have them closed indefinitely. I don’t have a bike or trainer, and I have basically only been running in my neighborhood during the stay-at-home (I’m lucky enough to have an open space with plenty of trails and hills next to my apartment complex). Are there any suggestions for workouts I can do in place of the scheduled swim? Thank you.

Posted In: Mountain Running

  • Inactive
    Anonymous on #40496

    The goal of the swim workouts is for a super easy, low-impact recovery workout. Without swimming or cycling available, you could go on a super easy run or just a leisurely walk. The intent isn’t to build fitness but to promote recovery, so almost anything that gets the blood moving will work.

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