Question about Max Skimo Strength | Uphill Athlete


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Question about Max Skimo Strength

  • Creator
  • #6746
    Matt Schonwald

    Below is the instructions for the Core portion of the Max Skimo Strength Core workout. Does this mean only 4 selected exercises out of the original 10 are done modified or do all ten with 4 modified. One set done this way? Sorry if this seems clear.
    Identify the 4 hardest core exercises for you to complete. Eg: things like the hanging leg raise, 2 point with a vest on, kayaker, side plank or L-sit. For these use a resistance that will only allow 6-10 second hold or 6 reps max. For hanging leg raise you can hang from bar and lift your legs above bar then slowly lower. If you can manage only 3 of these reps that’s fine. Try to hold good form on all exercises. Kayaker use something like a15kg weight and swing the weight fast as you can with good control off the bottom of the movement. Side plank, again use a big weight (12-15kg), don’t worry about keeping a straight arm. focus instead on a straight body position.‘

  • Inactive
    Anonymous on #6748


    Yes this means choose the 4 hardest core exercises for you. You can use a couple of the easier ones as warm ups. But keeping the number of different exercises smaller allow you more recovery time between sets and allows you to use more resistance at lower reps. Better to do more sets of low reps with higher resistance for gaining strength.

    Hope this helps.


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