Plan for last week before tapering for A event | Uphill Athlete


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Plan for last week before tapering for A event

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  • #43017

    Hi guys,

    I have a very specific question, so not sure if you can answer it.

    I have beating the Z1 drum the last 1.5 years. Cured my ADS. Lately, I even did gain weight although training 12 hours a week. So I would say I’m quite trained in Z1.
    I also added Gym ME 8 weeks ago. I progress slowly, because ME is by far my biggest weakness (have to perform every week twice otherwise the progression would be too fast).

    Last week I also added a Z3 uphill weight carry. And I was doing Z4 30s/30s intervals also for the ME effect in the city. Overall I don’t feel super tired, legs are fine (they take about 48h to fully recover between hard workouts), but gluts is still suffering a lot from Gym ME (GYM ME progression way too fast).

    My A event is a week in Chamonix with high alpine mountaineering & guiding. Beginning July 4.

    I plan to taper next week. Before that I’m not sure how the continue the next three days. I attached some options which might make sense from my point of view for THU, FRI & SAT. SUN is fixed again since I have to guide.

    How would you design the rest of the week given you taper next week till the start of your A event?

    Best regards

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    Anonymous on #43021

    It sounds like you have done a fantastic job of building up a great base and applying the more specific training (ME and Z3-4) for this trip. Something to consider with regards to this style of training is that the gains from an extended block of ME training will last for about as long as the block lasted. If you’ve done 8 weeks of ME 1-2x/wk and added in some Z3-4 work as well you’ll feel the fitness gains that came from that for about 8 weeks.

    Because of this I would drop altogether the ME workouts during the taper. You might consider doing one short 30-30 workout late this week. Otherwise reduce volume 50% this week and another 50% next week.

    You are fit. Now you just need to be rested before you start what will be a demanding week in Chamonix.

    I’ve used this ME block strategy with hundreds of athletes over many years and during the taper period after stopping the me it can take up to a full 2 weeks to see the maximum performance gains. You are carrying some fatigue that you do not even recognize right now.


    Dada on #43023

    Thank you so much for your answer, Scott!

    Great to hear that I did good job! I feel stronger than ever before and can’t wait to go to Chamonix. Especially the ME makes the difference so far.

    So I drop the ME this week, and go for a Z4 in Thursday (tmr). I will keep the hut approach a Z1 excercise on Saturday then. Sunday guiding, if the weather allows it, and then taper with just core training, regeneration and flexibility during the week. Will do an AeT test on the Friday before the trip.

    Thank you again so much!


    Anonymous on #44878

    Thanks for providing us this helpful topic.
    Watch Video for more info

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