Interpreting my AeT Test

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  • #72271


    I conducted an AeT heart rate drift test on a treadmill (5.7mph, 0 gradient) on Aug 11. After the 15min gradual warm-up the start HR was 136bpm. The average HR for the first 30mins was 142bpm and the average HR for the second 30mins was 150bpm – giving a 5.6% drift. Pretty close to 5% so I rounded the AeT down to 135bpm. All good so far.

    Since then I’ve been ramped up my Z1/2 training and focused nearly all my training on base building. I feel my aerobic fitness has noticeably improved since then.

    I re-did the test on the same treadmill on 31 Oct. I increased the speed gradually to 6.2mph, 0 gradient. This time my start HR was 128bpm. The average HR for the first 30mins was 138bpm and the average HR for the second 30mins was 148bpm, giving a 7.2% drift. If I understand correctly this suggests that 128bpm is above my AeT!

    When I looked at the HR profile of my second test I can see the HR drift was high in the first 30mins but then almost plateaus with minimal drift in the second 30mins (around 145-150bpm) – see attachment. Can anyone help me interpret this please? Did I not warm-up enough? I find it hard to believe my AeT has decreased after all this Z1/2 training. My HR was generally lower in the second test despite running ~10% faster! What did I do wrong? Is my AeT likely to be higher than the test suggests?

    Many thanks

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