Heart Rate Drift / Heart Rate Creep | Uphill Athlete


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Heart Rate Drift / Heart Rate Creep

  • Creator
  • #77687
    Travis Gerbatsch

    Good evening,

    On Friday last week I ran a 40 mile race for work.

    My goal was to try and run the entire thing in my zone 1 and 2.

    I found that at some point I was unable to keep my HR in zone 1/2, no matter how much I slowed down while running.

    The only way I could get back into zone 1 and 2 was to start walking.

    Despite zone 2 being the “forever” pace, I routinely find that my heart rate will continue to creep up despite slowing down substantially on longer runs.

    What is causing this HR drift / creep?

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  • Moderator
    pedro on #77968

    Hi Travis,

    Sorry for the delay on the answer. As you are getting more tired , the heart react them same as if you would need to run faster. The heart will raise the number of contractions/ your beats per minute and its more difficult to stay on zone 1/2 without reducing the activity.


    Pedro Carvalho

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