Base building and Freeletics | Uphill Athlete


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Base building and Freeletics

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  • #44478

    Hello out there!
    My phone just reminded me, that my paid Freeletics subscription will be extended within the next days…
    My main training goal for now is to build a solid aerobic base. Planning 2021 (as if there were no Covid restrictions…), goal is to run a flat city Half Marathon (Vienna) in April and some shorter (up to around 21.1k, no vertical extremes) events in the mountains during summer.
    Gym is not very recommendable atm for obvious reasons, November-March evenings are usually dark, cold and icy here, so some indoor training is highly appreciated on workdays.

    Is it useful to keep the Freeletics subscription? Probably with some adaptions (not counting time/speed during the exercises)? Or could it even be contradictory to base building?

    Best regards!

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    Anonymous on #44931

    What is Freeletics? I Googled them, but something is wrong with their website.

    paul.otlet on #44954

    I tried freeletics some months years ago. It’s mainly bodyweight cardio with no rest (burpees, pushups, air squats, situps, pullups…). The goal is to finish the given workout as fast as possible. It’s a sort of bodyweight crossfit. It’s not strictly HIIT because many workout don’t have rest between series. It’s strongly glycolytic. You’re mainly in Z3/Z4. I have some good results in the beginning as I finished the workout quicker (like other high intensity protocols), but it cleary don’t build an aerobic base. I wouldn’t advice to use freeletics for a aerobic goal.
    If you want to develop an aerobic base indoor you can do box step-ups or some kettlebells protocols involving swings/snatches (mainly A+A).


    Anonymous on #45099


    …mainly bodyweight cardio with no rest (burpees, pushups, air squats, situps, pullups…)

    So… strength training. It’s not aerobic training, and even aerobic training shouldn’t be called cardio.

    The goal is to finish the given workout as fast as possible. It’s a sort of bodyweight crossfit. It’s not strictly HIIT because many workout don’t have rest between series. It’s strongly glycolytic. You’re mainly in Z3/Z4.

    Which means it is, roughly, 1000% HIIT. The main problem with HIIT is that adherents lump high-intensity into one big, hugely varied basket.

    it cleary don’t build an aerobic base. I wouldn’t advice to use freeletics for a aerobic goal.

    God, no. I totally agree.

    If you want to develop an aerobic base indoor you can do box step-ups or some kettlebells protocols involving swings/snatches (mainly A+A).

    BSUs at a base-building intensity, yes. But KBS will probably be too intense. It’s more of a strength exercise anyway.


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