AeT and AnT: confusion... | Uphill Athlete

AeT and AnT: confusion…

  • Creator
  • #53117

    Hello, I need your help after having performed four aerobic threshold tests and one anaerobic threshold test; I tried the first threshold at 136-150-155-160 and had no significant cardiac drift. On the AnT test I found a threshold of 168 beats (more likely 170) although maybe I should have done a test of at least 45 min. I can also share workouts if needed. I noticed that the cardiac drift showed up when I took the AnT test but what does that mean? That I have the AeT threshold at 165 beats and the AnT threshold at 170-175 (on a flat surface I have measured 175 beats as the AnT threshold several times)?

Posted In: Mountain Running

  • Participant
    russes011 on #53119

    Re: Ant test

    Maybe you didn’t go hard enough? Maybe you didn’t ramp-up completely before acquiring the data? I say this because I find the AnT somewhat subjective–ie it depends on what effort you decide (unconsciously or consciously) to put into it. And of course it also depends on other factors like, sleep, fatigue, diet, and heat. Also, your AnT seems to have been 175 in the past but its now 168? I presume you just ran as hard as possible for 30min after ramping up for say 15-20min? As you may know, during this test you don’t pace yourself or follow your HR–you just go all out and then check the average HR for the later portion of the test period (or the average pace if you want AnT pace). I don’t think there is much use in checking drift for an AnT test, I presume if one did it would often be present, and may simply indicate that one started collecting data prior to achieving ~lactate steady state (AnT)–ie, a portion of the data set was contaminated by effort above or below AnT.

    Re: AeT Test

    If you had <5% HR drift at 160, then I would try a test at 165, etc. The nice thing about the AeT test is that it can be easily performed multiple times per week since many of us do Z1/Z2 runs multiple times per week anyway. Another way to look at it is to simply run at 165 until your heart rate reliably rises 7-8 beats (5%) higher than when you started (after the warm-up) and then either slow down at that point or stop–with time you’ll be able to run longer and longer before your HR rises 7-8 beats, and eventually it won’t. Then you can try a higher HR. Alternatively, if you can’t run the time/distance you want at 165 without the HR rising 7-8 beats, then try a lower heart rate next time. I would just experiment with it a bit and have fun. Another way to do it is to just look at 75% of maxHR and call this your AeT and then adjust up or down as described above, or with an AeT test.

    — Steve

    baracocol on #53122

    First test at 150 :

    baracocol on #53123

    second test at 155 :

    baracocol on #53124

    third test at 160 :

    baracocol on #53125

    fourth test at 160 :

    baracocol on #53126

    then i tried at 135 :

    every tests are without drift

    baracocol on #53127

    here below the AnT test :

    this is the first time that i try an AnT test on hill, on flat surface was 175 (for many times). then my Aet will be >160 or <135 ?

    Rachel on #53131

    Your AeT tests look good, I agree to try one at 165. I’m guessing you don’t have ADS if you want to stop testing AeT you could probably just use 165 as a rough benchmark. Scott S. usually starts to recommend a gas exchange test when your thresholds are that close together.

    baracocol on #53138

    Thank you for your reply, next week I will make a lactate test and then I will find the true FC zone. I think will be 165 for AeT and 175 for AnT. I will post the test when I will have the value.

    Anonymous on #55238

    What were the results of your lactate test?

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