Access to Cham Fit | Uphill Athlete

Access to Cham Fit

  • Creator
  • #67630

    Hello! I have a question about how long we have access to the Cham Fit videos — I’m running about 2 weeks behind everyone (I was on vacation for the “official” start date of the Spring FUA!), so I’m worried my access will suddenly go poof once everyone else hits the end of the program πŸ˜€ Will we still have access for a while?

    If not, I’m strongly considering purchasing the Cham Fit program because it’s AWESOME (well, kicking my butt, but still awesome :-))


  • Keymaster
    Coach on #67631

    Hello Vicky,

    The plan is yours to keep forever! Access included πŸ™‚

    vicky.bell on #67632

    Oh, that’s amazing!! Thanks, Maya! πŸ™‚

    Angeliena Kam on #67657

    I had the same question because I really like Cham fit and want to continue well beyond July. Wow, that’s so cool we still get to access Cham fit after this program ends! Wooooo!!! :))))

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