6 months of AeT run history and setting next threshold advice needed

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  • #47690

    Hi everyone,
    So in by the end of April this year I decided to get serious about AeT run after having read TfTNA.
    We were in lockdown where I live, so I decided to use the MAF formula which led me to 141 for AeT, and to be conservative I decided to go for 135.
    I started running nose breathing seriously twice a week since September, and though I have been training regularly for 2 years (but not running), my running experience was poor. Thus the 135 threshold I chose. From September I tried nose breathing running and it let me run around 158 BPM but after reading a lot of posts here, and TftNA book too, I told myself that I had ADS for sure, and that I wanted to start over.
    So I use 135 threshold for 4/5 months until end of September when our lockdown finally ended… I still run twice a week between 45 min to an hour mostly.
    By the end of September I did a drift test, and it turns out that I chose 141 to be my new AeT Threshold. Which I have been using for the past 2 months.
    Today, I did a drift test, and I am actually quite not sure what to think…
    I use the AeT calculator of this website with tells me 3.8% drift at an average of 149 BPM during the hour after 15 min warmup.
    Would you say that I could use this new value as threshold ?
    I will let you the TP link for the wo and also my last workout which was not a drift test and lasted an hour (with a 1.1% drift again with website AeT calculator after warmup).
    For other TP datas, I don’t understand but elevation data in my TP are not relevant most of the time. Where I run, there’s no more than a 150 feet gain so (47 meters actually), it is pretty flat. And for the pace spike that can be seen, I think it’s due to the building area as I don’t change pace that much.
    On the feeling side, it still feels pretty slow (and it is anyway) but I am not sure that I could have a conversation at that BPM (temperature was quite hot today).
    here the links
    Today Drift test
    last Thursday run :

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