Chamonix Mountain Fit and Luke Nelson’s Intro to Ultra Plan

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  • #53289

    Hello – I recently purchased both Chamonix Mountain Fit and Luke Nelson’s Intro to Ultra Running Plan. I have been enjoying Chamonix Mountain Fit immensely and have plenty of room for improvement through the levels. Do you see any issue with me replacing one of the twice weekly “functional runner” workouts in the plan with a Chamonix session? I plan on beginning Luke Nelson’s plan next month. Thanks in advance! Mark

  • Inactive
    Anonymous on #53432

    Not a problem at all. When we developed the Luke plan we didn’t have the Chamonix fit series. I recommend replacing both of the functional runners in each week it it. I can’t put that in the plan because then people will be forced to buy something else.

    Thanks for your support.

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