Plannning a second trip to Ecuador in beginning of Dec 2021.
We did okay in 2019, summited Cotopaxi in under 6 hrs in strong winds, poor visibility, rain/sleet. We were the only team to make it that day as the rest turned around with the weather. We have spent alot of time in the White Mountains of NH, so we are used to bad weather, but not altitude so much.
But I would like to be in best possible shape for this second trip which will include Cayembe and Chimbo. I spent alot of time training on the stairmaster with weight vest for max of 60 mins, but probably in Zone 3 HR last time. I have a history of several years of Crossfit, so I am guessing I have ADS.
I am doing the aerobic thresh test on Monday 06/28.
I am in the 2nd week of the 24 wk plan, I figured better to be over-prepared, so I chose this over the 16 week plan.
Living in the small hills and mountains of PA, I would like some clarification on a “hilly terrain” definition so I make sure I am training correctly. Is there a ft. per mi. definition or something along those lines? I do have access to a treadmill with 15% incline, and as of tonight I will have a NT incline trainer, but I really prefer to exercise outdoors to ease the boredom and also so my wife will tag along.
I’ve attached 2 areas showing elevation profiles that are nearby to me and could be sustainable. Quarry loop is a 10 min walk from my house, the other is a 20 min drive to get there from my home. Would either of these qualify, or should I blend these along with some inclined treadmill work?
I also have recently found a 3 flights of stairs area that is nearby and would be sustainable.
Also have an altitude tent I plan on sleeping in again leading up to the trip, so wanted to see if there is any adjustments or advise on that in relation to the training plan.
Looking forward to your recommendations and all advise is appreciated!
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