Hi Peter,
I add in the bike quite a bit and have had good success off of it. I think for me, coming from a running background, the bike has a different range of motion that involves more pushing down which is a good crossover to climbing that I don’t get running. However, as TFNA mentions, seated bicycling is not weight bearing and that makes it less applicable to climbing and hiking. Ideally you would bike standing the whole time but that may also get your knees.
On another note, if running is bugging your knees I would consider addressing form and strength imbalances in the lower legs. Make sure you are not wearing super squishy shoes that allow for excessive lateral motion. Make sure you are picking your feet up while running. Try jogging barefoot on a flat grass field (local schools work well for this) for part or all of your run once or twice a week. My 2 cents from a decade of competitive cross country and track racing.