We use a 4 zone system (TP will allow you to customize the number of zones and their heart rate ranges). We start by anchoring the zone system to your personal test results. We set the top of Z2 at AeT (149 in your case) and the top of Z3 at your AnT Z4 is anything over 167……HARD.
We set the top of Z1 at 10% less than AeT. In your case this would be 149-15 = 135. So this all corresponds quite well with what you have done. I’m hesitant to set a zone for recovery workouts. They should just FEEL very easy and refreshing. Sometimes that might mean running at 124 or it might mean walking at 104.
For the TP Z5. These short maximal efforts make up such tiny volume and they are just done as hard as you can go so HR is often not the best measure of the intensity.
Great job on this.