Mountaineering: Limited Training Time and Availability | Uphill Athlete


Mountaineering: Limited Training Time and Availability


Optimize your training, even with a busy schedule.

Are you a time-crunched climber? Are you planning a 2-10 day mountaineering objective and have limited time to train? Will you be trekking through the Himalayas soon? Complete this plan and you will be prepared for peaks like Kilimanjaro, Mt. Rainier, Mt. Vinson, Colorado 14ers, or easier trekking peaks like Nepal’s Island Peak. Also makes a great trekking training plan.

This thoroughly updated plan progresses over 12 weeks and tops out at 7:40 hours of training in the final week. All the endurance workouts in this plan can be uploaded to your smartwatch to guide you step-by-step. It does not include a final easy week, so it is important to plan one very light week (such as travel) after completing the program and before tackling your main objective.

This plan began life as programming designed by a coach for a busy professional heading to Kilimanjaro and has been updated and refined over the years to become a finely tuned plan that fits a niche for many ambitious climbers and adventure travelers.

The focus of this plan is 100% on your aerobic fitness which is the limiting factor for most climbers with a busy schedule.

This plan is based on your RPE, or “Rate of Perceived Exertion,” where workout intensities are guided by how hard you are working based on your perception of effort (how hard the workout feels to you) rather than by heart rate. This plan is an adapted option for those who want to learn to calibrate their true effort levels in their workouts. For the HR-based version of this plan, click here.

Whether you use an RPE based or heart rate based training plan, we recommend that you use a chest-strap heart rate monitor and GPS watch to log all your training.

Plan details

*Apple Watch syncing is currently not supported for RPE plans. If you would like to use this plan with an Apple Watch, please purchase the HR version.  

To buy this plan, you will be taken to Training Peaks to complete your purchase.

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All our plans are delivered through TrainingPeaks, the most robust training tool available.

For when you have a busy schedule but still want to maximize your fitness levels before taking on a big climbing challenge.

corporate athlete training lifting a massive heavy tire with oxygen mask

Built by Uphill athlete coaches with input from world-class Mountaineers​

The plan offers a solid fitness foundation for basic mountaineering objectives. If your goals are complex, for example climbing multiple peaks in a 4-6 month window, you’ll want to join our membership community or work 1:1 with an Uphill Athlete coach.

This training plan offers an efficient and convenient approach to elevate your fitness levels while minimizing the risk of injury before embarking on a demanding climbing endeavor. It is an excellent solution for individuals pursuing non-technical objectives, with time constraints for training.

First, complete our Beginner Mountain Fitness plan, and then hit this plan. It’s a great combination and your legs will be rockets.

After completing the program, it’s essential to plan for a very light week or some downtime before tackling your main climbing objective. This helps your body recover and ensures you’re in the best condition for your climb. Use this time to rest, travel to your destination, or engage in light activities to stay fresh for your upcoming challenge.

Comprehensive All Mountain Expeditions


Intermediate/ Advanced Mountain Fitness


Beginner Mountain Fitness
