Thank you very much for your reply Scott!
So I have conducted the AnT test and got a 160 average reading… That place me in an aerobic deficient state I imagine. So I will do as you suggest and stick with more Z2.
Here are my questions tho.
I am training using your book and the self plan log book by the way. Should i just keep the long Zone 1 zone 1, and do my 3 other shorter, 1h to 1h30, outings in zone 2 or would that be overkill ?
And, in the book, zone 2 has a 5% window from 75 to 80% of Max Hr. Since my end of zone 1 occures at 72% (136 out of 190 of maxHr) does that gives me 72 to 77% as my zone 2 ?
I think its nice for other forum dwellers to know what everyone is up to with all that. So i am using the logbook to plan a denali WB and a possible attempt on the Cassin R for may 2018. Altitude experience and ,obviously ,aerobic capacity being the last question marks for a serious Cassin attempt.
The work you guys at uphillathlete do is fantastic !
Thanks a lot