My name is Nissa, I live in Reno, NV. We moved up here after 10+ years in Bishop/Mammoth area (I’m originally from Wisconsin). After having kids (2012 & 2014) I switched jobs from ski patrolling to computer science and between work, kids and a moving to the city lost a lot of the time I once spent in the mountains. Though occasional BC skiing was always on the agenda, now the kids are a bit older and more independent I’m looking forward to tackling some bigger objectives and longer trips in the Sierra. I like to commit to something on the calendar ideally that I’ve prepaid for 😀 to keep the training fire burning so I’ve signed up for 2 local skimo/uphill events in March/April but I’m mostly dog-earing the Eastside maps and looking forward to hopefully a good snowpack and some multi day spring tours 😀