@Scott I think you’re right by saying that specificity is the key for every sport. But what does it mean in physiological terms? What kind of adaptations happen in the body when we run vs when we bike vs when we [insert you sport here]. More specifically:
a) Is the cardiovascular adaption with biking different from running?
b) If do a lot of low intensity volume with the bike, what different adaptations happen vs the run?
c) At which point do the adaptions of a weight bearing sport really matter? For example, for a decently trained athlete, does hiking really provide different adaptations compared to biking?
d) Everybody looks at the elite athletes. At their level all they can get are marginal gains. In that case I agree that specific training is paramount. But for a person who still has a lot of untapped potential, does it really matter which specific aerobic effort they do?
Thanks for all the replies!