It seems like your body is sending a lot of messages you are over doing it. I’d listen to it.
Posted In: Be Gentle With Failure
It seems like your body is sending a lot of messages you are over doing it. I’d listen to it.
Thanks ! Bought my first weight vest 😉 As well as a portable lactate measurement device to try to determine my zones on uphills vs. what I get on tracks.
On aerobic training: understood it needs to be maintained – will follow that.
Concerning that statement on ME:
“The point of adding the extra weight is to increase the recruitment of the working muscle’s motor units. Your brain will increase the mass of muscle recruited as needed to get the job done up to the point of maximal strength. The extra weight causes motor units not well endurance-trained to be called upon to assist in getting the job done.”
Would you know if that is solely coaching experience, or if they are some studies supporting this theory ? eg. weight training leads to more recruited fibers and decreased long-term fatigue.
Thanks Scott for the input.
Is there such thing as – let’s say – 150bpm is my Zone 2 for flat & downhill (that I could sustain for the whole 10h) but 150bpm is my Zone 3 for uphills (that lasted 3h) ?
My thinking was that if there is, probably I would need more aerobic uphill training. Otherwise, focus more on ME.
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