Thanks Brian!
Sounds like we are well matched. Regarding your intervals at the ski resort, are you running or hiking/ski striding? One thing I have learned is that I am a faster runner than walker (compared to others). Since running season ended, I have focused more on hiking and ski striding to strengthen those muscles compared to more running-specific muscles. But mainly I’m trying to dial in the workouts. Your intervals seem to be effective, and I’m probably not doing enough of those (though I have been doing some intensity at least 1x /week).
Our Aet and AnT HR’s are identical. There is also not much room between those (150-160). So the question is do we try to train to push our 150 pace higher, or should we be working to pull our AnT HR higher to allow for a more anaerobic range? Or perhaps the key is more strength/ME. Or perhaps I am thinking about this all wrong. But I feel there is some training component that I am deficient and should be focused on.
Good luck with your first skimo season. It’s a really fun sport!