Thank you very much for the advice Scott!
Thank you very much for the advice Scott!
Sorry if I hijack this thread, but I have a question that concern ventilation similar to your.
During my Z1/Z2 run I wear the chest-strap, but I use my ventilation to decide the pace. My AeT is 158 (founded with ventilation test), my Ant 178 bpm.
On flat sometimes I can run with mouth closed at 160, others times at 152 like it happens to you.
But on hills, I can’t run/walk with mouth closed with heart rate over 135/140. Never. Why?
Thank you for answer.
I’m very interested for the new book. I think that at the end of the next summer I’ll take it for programming my next season.
I’ve already bought the training plan but so far I didn’t use it because I’ve already programmed my season using the informations in TFTNA.
From your advice, I understand that now, after 8 weeks of base period of max strength, I can remove from my program the ME workout with water carry and the Scott’s Killer + Max Strength workout and I can substitute with a hill sprint workout and the ME workout for runners and skiers described in you previous post.
Thank you.
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