Climbs I would still like to accomplish soon:
Bugaboo Spire NE ridge
Mt Sir Donald NW Ridge
Forbidden Peak West ridge
Ptarmigan Traverse
Spearhead traverse
Lead Serenity/sons
More difficult dreams:
Posted In: Essay: The Currency of Toil
Climbs I would still like to accomplish soon:
Bugaboo Spire NE ridge
Mt Sir Donald NW Ridge
Forbidden Peak West ridge
Ptarmigan Traverse
Spearhead traverse
Lead Serenity/sons
More difficult dreams:
I’m just surprised I haven’t heard more about this. I would think since most peoples races and biggest miles are in summer it would be a big thing. Maybe I am I viking and just overheat easier than most
Yeah keeping it in Z1 is impossible currently. That’s walking a a slight grade, never running, and anything steeper than a few degrees shoots me into upper Z2. Running I’m fully in Z3. Its weird. Its not just a little high, it’s 15-20 BPMs more at every pace. I guess retesting makes sense. It’s just weird that my AnT is now mightly close to what people say is max HR 180+
So I’ll just adapt? I haven’t yet
chest. has worked great for 9 months
That was very helpful Scott. We did get lost in the weeds talking about my 18% hill. Part of the issue is gyms are all closed so I don’t have an incline trainer or stair machine. What I have is a long 18% hill or short steep outdoor stairs (no access to tall buildings). But you answered my question that neither more weight nor faster on my 18% hill will give the effect we are going for.
So I will do box step-ups, or a home gym ME workout, or will save ME for weekends when I can get to the mountains. I might just cut off the end of my 24-week Mountaineering program and start the Big Vert program earlier.
Ok I may be misunderstanding the method here. I thought that since my Aet was within 10% of my Ant that I was banned from doing Z2 work, so I was (attempting) keeping this below 144bpm in Z1. I thought Scott J’s ME video indicated if you can go faster you need to add more weight. I did a couple Z3 jogs on my second lap and averaged 19″/mile throughout. I can certainly go faster if allowed to do Z2 and if I do Z3 intervals I could probably do 15min/mile. So this sounds like a good workaround to not having a 70% hill and not wanting to carry 100lbs!
I know the workout says Z3 Weighted climb so maybe I should have known to just do these faster but Scott J’s video says these will only feel like Z3 to your legs, while your HR likely won’t actually be in Z3. I will do them faster tomorrow and report back!
FYI usually we’re talking elevation gain and then assume you are not taking a ski lift back down and have to go down the same amount to get to your car. You don’t count it twice.
1000 feet in a mile is 19% and quite steep for repeats and sprints. I would think that for a “hill run” 300 feet per mile would be the minimum to consider it a hill run. Less than that would be a flat run. 300′ over 7 miles is not a hill run that’s only 40 feet per mile.
Just FYI… my first “steep uphill hike” was 2500 feet in 8 miles (Mountaineering program after my 8-week Transition period) and it left me sore for three days. But all hill workouts after that have been fine. So I would expect it to be a big day for you. Maybe aim for 2000′ for your first one!
I could just switch to the Foote ultra plan early and do start those ME workouts, but I wanted to complete the Mountaineering plan for spring Volcano season.
My Aet is 165 and my Ant is 174 (just retested both). Yes that 18% hill I was able to walk up in High Z1/Low Z2, my highest HR was 152 but my average was 142, as expected like both Scotts say. Lindsay my speed was 30min/mile (or an NGP of 20min). I guess that means I need a steeper hill or more weight or I could jog (like I did a bit of but I think that’s not the purpose of this workout)? But I suspect priority would be a steeper hill, or maybe box step-ups which sounds awful.
I just did my first ME weight carry on that 18% hill (850 feet in 1 mile) with 53 pounds and I have to say…. I don’t think it’s steep enough. I did two laps and I am completely fine today, recovery-wise. I read that these are supposed to be killer and to expect to be sore for days and that the limiting factor should be your legs “If your legs are not the speed limiter then add more weight.” This certainly was not the case and I jogged parts of the second lap. Since adding more weight would put me over 60 pounds, my guess is that this hill is not steep enough. Unfortunately the only steeper hill than this are mountains and those are an hour or more away. Perhaps I need to switch the workout to the weekend so I can get out of town. Another option would be to carry 80-100 pounds so my legs would be more stressed. Or I could do 80 meters of 40% stairs 16 times.
The only thing I have to add is that if you have been doing Starting Strength, then you likely are squatting and deadlifting a ton, which can take a lot to recover from if you continue at that level (I have done it and was squatting 280 and Deadlifting 350 which is completely unnecessary and not sport-specific and gave me weird pains). What I have read around here is that heavy lifting is incompatible w svelt climbing. You likely have more strength than is needed for the general strength program and I would skip to the max strength focus on the one-legged step-ups and step-downs that the mountaineering and Ultrarunning plans use. In other words, I would focus your time on your running and aerobic system since Starting Strength likely has you stronger than you need to be, you could do a “Mini-Max” workout from the 24-week plan to maintain strength during the transition period.
Yeah I supposed so. Unless I drive far to a legit mountain (which is impractical to do every Wednesday), right now I’m thinking about whether laps on 75% stairs for 100 feet or 18% trail for one mile is the better ME workout…..?
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