At the moment it’s for aiding navigating in rainforest and steep rocky terrain (on foot), mostly in warm weather.
In future I’d like to use in colder mountainous terrain. So something that works below freezing would be ideal.
Posted In: Season One Recap
At the moment it’s for aiding navigating in rainforest and steep rocky terrain (on foot), mostly in warm weather.
In future I’d like to use in colder mountainous terrain. So something that works below freezing would be ideal.
So I’ve had three appointments with a surgeon to discuss.
Step 1 – I went back to a brace for six weeks (he said that proper rest was probably one thing I hadn’t tried – fair comment). I still used my wrist but I kept it on religiously for day and night and dropped all climbing and strength training. Doctor also said that the physio I had been doing probably hadn’t been helping with it mending (mainly the wrist extensions could have been aggregating it).
Result: No difference apart from reduced range of motion and what I perceive as the associated pain from trying to mobilise it again. Was worth a try though.
Step 2 – removed brace and received a steroid injection into back of the hand.
Didn’t really notice much apart from perhaps I could mobilise it more and arrive back at the same feeling/ discomfort as before I saw the surgeon.
Step 3 – he said leave it for another few months and then go back in July. He said I can return to activities but try not to do anything where it may impact palm to ground type thing. Also take it easy. Basically back to where I was at the start.
Doc said he wouldn’t bother with another injection. He said he could have prescribed it to the scaphoid lunar directly but the one I had to back of the hand would have worked if it was going to as it spreads around.
Doc also said an anthroscopy would be the way to fully determine the problem. He also said he has a policy where he doesn’t do one without also doing a procedure. Such as burning the muscle to create scar tissue to shorten it. But that said – he’s never really diagnosed the problem with much conviction to make me feel confident that this will solve the problem.
I’m at a loss really. At least I can scramble again and I’ll prob do some easy trad again soon. My ego never really lets me go easy bouldering so I’m going to put that one off for a while if I can.
My wrist couldn’t handle a pull up (I tried yesterday)but I think I need to start something similar to what Pete suggested. To strengthen the supporting muscles.
Thanks Thomas. I decided to take a break until my appointment.
Hopefully it will mend.
MRI report attached
MRI results attached.
GP referred me to an upper limb specialist. That’s booked in for three weeks time.
Any idea if I should continue my physio exercise?
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