Hello Amanda! I see you are in Boston. I live in Glens Falls, NY so perhaps we meet in the middle sometime, I come to the Whites in NH, or you could visit the Adirondacks in NY. Hiking buddies are great to have!
Posted In: Season One Recap
Hello Amanda! I see you are in Boston. I live in Glens Falls, NY so perhaps we meet in the middle sometime, I come to the Whites in NH, or you could visit the Adirondacks in NY. Hiking buddies are great to have!
Hello all!
I live in update New York and love the outdoors with hiking, skiing, etc. My kids (ages 11 and 8) think we hike quite a bit, but I wish we did more. For general fitness, I started doing HIIT sessions a few years ago. Then I started road running more about two years ago “just for me” having never had runs much longer than 3-4 miles. I challenged myself to run a half marathon distance and worked my way there in fall 2020. My 2021 goal was a real half marathon race in sub 2 hours. Last month, I completed the Lake Placid half in 1:56. My prep for that was the first time I’d ever consistently followed a training plan and I was afraid to not have one…thus joining this group. I knew of Uphill Athlete already and decided to get into a plan before I lost my confidence and routine, and I knew it would help me stay fit for skiing (even if my skiing is at my kids’ pace – I can outpace them in XC but not downhill). Ha!
Areas where I need improvement: Not being so hard on myself, prioritizing stretching, learning new motivation tactics due to the change in weather temps and daylight…
Goal: Besides not losing the fitness I’ve gained over the past two years, I don’t know what my next “thing” is. I’m interested in longer trail runs; however, the Adirondacks are pretty tough trails for running and I need to do some research on local options. I’ll take recommendations from any others familiar with my area.
Thank you and happy to be on this journey with you.
Is there a rough comparison for RPE and HR zones? For example, tomorrow is warm up 20 min @3-4 RPE and active for 30 min. @4-6 RPE etc. How might those fit into my HR zones? Thank you
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