Thank you again, this helps me a lot so I‘ll rethink my actual plan and change some things.
So back on trails it’s always more fun as the hours of road running.
All the best!
Thank you again, this helps me a lot so I‘ll rethink my actual plan and change some things.
So back on trails it’s always more fun as the hours of road running.
All the best!
Thank you for the answer. Ok the reply of Scott is the answer for my leg pain problems. In summer i mostly run on Trails and had no Problems with overload.
The last weeks i do a lot of tempo work with hard intervalls above the vo2max and this all on the road.I think this could be to much for my legs.
Pedro you think its better when i have on sunday my longrun to do a easy run on monday and rest on thuesday? Normal i always set my rest day after the longrun.
Have you also an advice how much weekly volume i should be able to handle before working on the speed? (My main event 2023 will be 80km with 5200hm)
Thanks a lot.
Thank you Pedro for the answer. I helps a lot.
I already try to hold a circle of 3 weaks load and one week rest with a cutback to 50-60% load.
But also with this circle it’s a bit difficult for me to get over 100km a week. It’s always a bit of luck not to get injured.
Maybe I should do less intensity while increasing the mileage.
Thanks a lot
Thank you for the answers.
I got a lactate Test last week and now I’m more confused then before.
The Test says:
Aet at 170bpm
Ant at 177bpm
Max at 190bpm
Is it possible that the Aet is so high?
I mean it’s quite hard for me to run at 170bpm it don’t feels like my Aet an I think I can’t hold this rate much longer then 1 hour. And only 7bpm between Aet and Ant?
The Doc who made the Test means my aerobic fitness is very high for my training experience but to use the whole capacity my muscles are to weak. I should make very hard Intervalls (example 3x10min at Max) to build up more muscles.
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