Well, a BIG thanks to those who’ve posted – I’m learning heaps…
There’s a strong suggestion that statins interfere with both the Citric Acid Cycle and the complexes that drive proton pumping – so, mitochondria are essentially damaged and out of the energy equation for those affected. It’s been my experience that virtually any level of exercise in any zone is severely hampered by statins, and recovery from what should be a gentle workout takes many days.
It seems that for those affected, there is no option to exercise at any level while taking statins. I’ve stopped taking them for that reason.
I’ve learned much from this site, and TFTNA. My old training method of run-up-a-big-hill-as-fast-as-posiible, repeat-as-often-as-possible and live of complex carbs while doing so, is being replaced by a smarter, and hopefully more effective, strategy. It is hard to back away from harder training, and the idea of no pain, no gain is difficult to let go, but I’m getting better. The information in this thread helps. Thanks again, everyone!